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The Aptitude Blog

Professional product training

January 8, 2019
Posted by Sarah Werner

What are your plans for accounting and finance professional development in 2019?

It’s January and that means planning and goal setting, both personal and professional.  This is usually the time to plan out your year. Budgets are firmed up, professional goals are put on paper and personal development plans are set.

However, professional development in the workplace isn’t always given the attention it deserves from managers. Most conferences show you how to “Convince your boss” with downloadable templates. Dreamforce even offers an ROI calculator to help you convince your manager to send you to training, but overall training tends to fall low in the priority list for busy and cash strapped managers.

What is the benefit of professional development?

On the management side, professional development can be a powerful tool to combat the challenges of employee hiring and retention that many accounting and finance teams struggle with.  Workplace experts pinpoint professional training as a perk that employees want.

According to the Mental Health America’s Workplace Health 2017 survey, “Organizations offering perks that exceed basic benefits (insurance and office benefits) create a work environment that conveys an interest in attracting and retaining its employees.” One of three such perks identified is opportunities for workplace training.

For employees, the opportunity to receive training on the software tools they use everyday means they can do their job more easily, feel the satisfaction of being a sought after solution expert and more fully utilize products the company has already invested its dollars and hopes into.

With Aptitude Software product training you can invest in both employees and the business – a win-win situation. It makes business sense to invest in the employees you have – for retention, and in the products you use – for return on investment.

Product training can also boost employment opportunities for both professional services and compliance implementation support roles. In fact KPMG, Deloitte, EY and other accounting firms have significantly invested in training many of their partners in Aptitude Software products.

Stay tuned for a new training announcement from Aptitude Software later this month!  Our new offerings will build on the mission of our team – to deliver personalized, on demand and effective training, ready for your 2019 professional development and retention plans.

You can review Aptitude Software’s training program here:

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This blog post was written by:

Sarah Werner
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