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The Aptitude Blog

Hadoop for the New Year

December 30, 2014
Posted by Sarah Werner

In October we announced version 5 of our Aptitude platform which, among other things, will allow our clients to leverage in-Hadoop processing along with in-memory and in-database processing for a true multi-platform application development tool.

We believe Hadoop technology has and will continue to be a major resource for the enterprise organization. In the spirit of the upcoming New Year, we wanted to pull together some of the predictions we’ve seen that support the growth of Hadoop usage in 2015.

  • A Reduction in Hadoop Skill Gaps: Over the last several years, the shortage in Hadoop skills has been widely communicated. One of our favorite article titles from 2013: Got Big Data Skills? Write Your Own Ticket. However, Forrester predicts that in 2015 the Hadoop skills shortage will disappear due to new tools that make development easier and the continued maturity of the platform.  With more Hadoop skilled developers, you have an environment for a broader subset of companies to start experimenting with the platform.
  • Increase in new types of data usage: Gartner reports that the number of organizations working with Geospatial and location analytics jumped from 26% in 2013 to 34% in 2014. (source) Organizations are using or want to use new and varied types of data, much of which is unstructured, making Hadoop a necessity.  As IT departments increasingly adopt a multi-platform, ‘best tool for the job’ approach, Hadoop will continue to become a key piece of the IT architecture.
  • Hadoop Cloud makes it easier to experiment Like any technology system, Hadoop requires storage, compute, and network resources and this requires budget. However, in the cloud, resources can be managed more elastically – becoming available for other processing engines when not required by Hadoop and lessening the investment burden for experimenting companies. 
  • New Tools have enhanced functionality: Hadoop has moved beyond the 1.0 version with the release of YARN, interactive SQL, Impala etc., which have lowered the bar for companies to find value in Hadoop. Also, the Hadoop Ecosystem continues to grow with new partners, developers and vendors arriving every day. Earlier this year Cloudera raised $1 billion, Platfora raised close to $38M and the recent Hortonworks IPO raised $100M, legitimizing the adoption of Hadoop and broadening it’s appeal. (source)

According to research firm CB Insights, investments in Hadoop companies jumped more than five-fold this year from $236.8M in 2013 to $1.28B this year. (source) We expect Hadoop investments to continue and look forward to seeing the impact it will make in the business and technology world.

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This blog post was written by:

Sarah Werner
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